- Eclipse - the Open-Source IDE
- CVS - the Open-Source revision control system
- Ant - the Java make
- JUnit - the unit test tool for Java
- Fitnesse - for acceptance tests
- Jemmy [desktop frontends]- testing Swing UIs
- HTTPUnit [web frontends] - testing Web UIs
- JMeter [server side code] - for load tests of server side code
- NoUnit - finding untested methods
- Integration-Guard - server side test execution before/after checkin in CVS
- DoxyGen - similar to JavaDoc but supports different output formats
- PMD - identifies problems and smells in Java code
- Eclipse Profiler Plugin - Profiler for Eclipse
- XDoclet - generates data from Java meta tags; used for Hibernate, JBoss and others
- log4j - for logging (more powerful and widespread than the logging facilities of JDK 1.4
- Struts [web frontends] - framework for web applications
- Eclipse Plugin Model [client side code] - the Eclipse plugin model can be used without the Eclipse IDE to implement a client side component model for Java
- JFreeChart - generates business charts
- JFreeReport, JasperReports - printing from Java
- mySQL, PostgreSQL, SapDB - Databases
- Hibernate - OR mapper with transparent persistence (requires XDoclet); if an existing database schema has to be used, Torque with its code generation approach may be more suitable
- Apache Web Server - if a lot of static web pages exist or non-Java application logic has to be executed at the server
- Jakarta Tomcat [web frontends] - if only a web interface is required
- JBoss [server side code and desktop frontends] - if a desktop interface is required and server side code is neccessary (I recommend to use XDoclet to generate most of the EJB stuff)
- MockEJB [server side code] - a local container for session beans; supports testing session beans and allows the execution of the system stand alone without an application server
- XPlanner - Managing and planning of stories
- JSPWiki - a simple Wiki web based on Java Server Pages
- Open-Office - for external documents and project tracking
There are promising tools which I haven't had the opportunity to use until now:- Eclipse Rich-Client-Platform [desktop frontends] - an application frame for desktop applications
- iReport - GUI tool for JasperReports
- Maven - a build management tool
- Bugzilla - a bug tracking system
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